Drums for Peltier by Phil Goldvarg

      Drums For Peltier

      Drums for Peltier,
      conga drums,
      water drums,
      bata drums,
      Ponca drums,
      Lakota drums,
      Otoe drums,
      Cheyenne drums,
      First Nation drums,
      Azteca drums,
      tiapanwewetl drums,
      teponaztli drums,

      Danzantes pray against the earth,
      calling ancestors for counsel
      with ceremony of respect,

      First Nation drums,
      skin tight
      hands slap the skins,
      new skin
      over old skin,

      heart beat,
      breath beat,
      dream beat,
      the drumming of feet
      on mother earth,

      she drums back in contentment,
      deep voice of love,
      drumming for Peltier

      across the night,
      sunrise and sunset,
      drumming ocean waves of hope,
      crashing the rocks of injustice,

      put them hands on the skin,
      new skin over old skin,
      ancestor skin,
      seven generation skin,
      regeneration skin,
      we go on beating,
      never retreating,
      we are skin
      caressing skin,

      drum echoes dance Paha Sapa,
      dance Leonard,
      repair the circles,
      spirit drums,
      eagle drums,
      wolf drums,
      all relation drums,

      hand in hand,
      arm in arm,

      wall of voice
      calling for freedom,
      for Leonard,

      handing him the drum,
      the skin of our soul,
      beating the drum
      for us and Peltier,
      for generations of breath
      that sing in the drum.

      By Phil Goldvarg © 2000

      H Gold

